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The crystal structure of DYRK2 in complex with curcumin for the first time showed that curcumin occupies the ATP binding pocket potentially acting as a competitive inhibitor (9). To find out if 4 could inhibit Hck and Src as an ATP-competitive inhibitor, we determined the K
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inhibition of the SFK signaling pathway in triple-negative breast hckln cancer and murine macrophage cells. Our data suggest that curcumin is a modifiable fluorescent scaffold to develop selective kinase inhibitors by remodeling its target affinity and cellular stability.
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Haleon plc is covered by 28 analysts. 16 of those analysts submitted the estimates of revenue or earnings used as inputs to our report. Analysts submissions are updated throughout the day.
The interaction between the kinase domain and 4 was studied by measuring the kinetics of change in intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence of the kinase domain using a fluorimeter fitted with stop-flow attachment at room temperature. In all the experiments, λex and λem were fixed at 290 and 350 nm, respectively.
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